Wednesday, April 26, 2000

Watch out! The Shepperd has Something behind his Back... A Profound Question for the 21st Century

Hi Folks... I´m still in Argentina, my name is still Brendan and I´ve been away on a top secret mission, for an organization you all know but I can´t mention here for reasons of national security, but you get my drift, right? Right!

I apologize. And that is why I haven´t been writing much in the last few weeks...

Indeed I would like to write about the majestic treks and local cuisine I´ve experienced over the last few weeks, but I can´t. I´m not that type of travel writer. I learned this and many other things on my recent assignment to the North of Argentina, where I indulged in the local lifestyles of both the haves and have nots.

On this adventure I spoke extensively with policemen and women, misfits, business-men, clergy, farmers, community leaders and the homeless and forgotten, and all told me of their ills and dreams...´

But all shared the same concern about our world. How the world and local situation has has become so nervous and wrong these days that they feel like oppressed sheep who belong to a Shepperd who can no longer be trusted as he is holding a sharp, shiny knife behind his back that he tells you is for the wolves, but everyone trembles as the shadow of that long sharp knife casts its doubt and fear across the land...

Trouble can come at you from any direction these days, like being chased by a group of armed men shouting in a strange language, knowing they want to kill you, but not knowing why-- or being run over by a car, left for dead, when you are already broke and homeless...But that´s for another time and another story and it doesn´t really fit here.

Yes sir, this is what living in the 21st century is all about for billions...Not knowing why. It´s no different from living, in say, America or Iraq for that matter. Things are not that different from town-to-town in today´s world. The Shepperd is taking well care of his flock, or so he says...

We have all been here before, some born into it, some at the controls ... We all know the rules of the game. It´s fleece or be fleeced! Which reminds me. It would not be fair at this point to continue this thorny rambling without confessing that I also have been effected by the world situation.

My laptop crashed last week and I was told it would cost over $1000 Big Ones to recover my information. See what I mean folks, about this World Situation gone all awry. I´am being fleeced by Greedy Computer Geeks who role in Benzes and discuss the latest processor chip over Monday morning´s coffee break. Those Bastards! Life is Cruel.

Right, and so much for that, eh... I should lighten up with the preaching. After all I am talking to friends here.

But this is nothing, compared to the Monster like things that played out in front of me, and at times with me, this week. That is elementary Mr. B...My computer problems may dominate my mind, but nobody south of the Rio Grande seems to care. The contrast is like day and night. Right. And so much for that psychodrama gibberish, eh?

Let´s get back to the real reason I rant and rave here...

¨Why cant I travel like the rest of these tourist zombies and just forget about how cruel the world is?¨

I can´t. The forces that are inside me won´t let me turn-away from the world around me. I´m the sensitive type, a romantic by nature and I´ve got a highly addictive personality to go with that. Things are never dull for me. And these days the world isn´t looking so pretty, even for a rich Gringo like myself...

Ah, but we are running out of time here before my bus leaves for the south, folks. I must get to Bahia Blanca and spend some time with a fiery Argentinean woman. It is guaranteed to be a volatile visit, for sure... Ha ha. That´s it for now. Mucho Gracias and remember to watch your back because the Shepperd is always watching his flock.

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